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Kanadischer Vertriebspartner

Wir freuen uns, einen Vertriebspartner für African Palms in Kanada gefunden zu haben, dessen Daten wie folgt lauten


Kirchenbedarf & Religiöse Artikel

209-2310 St-Laurent Blvd, Ottawa, ON, K1G 5H9

gebührenfreies Telefon: 1-866-745-15637

email: info@liturgica.ca

website: www.liturgica.ca
Website french version: https://www.liturgica.ca/fr/

African Palms

The aim of African Palms is to give people living in a very poor part of Tanzania the possibility of earning some extra money. The people’s daily work is the planting of maize, millet and some ground nuts to feed themselves and their families.
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