In 2008 £34562.00 was given to the Tanzanian Education Authority for books.

In 2010 £3500.00 was sent to the Masasi Eye Clinic for medical supplies.

In 2011 £45,000.00 was given to the Tanzanian Education Authority who bought required textbooks for 156 primary schools in the Masasi area.

Pupils of Mkuti primary in a happy mood after receiving books, project funded by African Palms selling palm crosses
Pupils of Mkuti primary in a happy mood after receiving books
Pupils of Mkuti primary school holding books, project funded by African Palms selling palm crosses
Pupils of Mkuti primary school holding books from African palms

In 2012 £30,000.00 was given to the Tanzanian Education Authority, and 500 desks were made at Ndanda by local carpenters, for 12 schools in the villages where the palm crosses are made.

unloading desks for Masasi Villages project  funded by African Palms selling palm crosses
Desks being unloaded
desks arriving for Masasi Villages project  funded by African Palms selling palm crosses
Desks Arrive!
taking the desks into school for Masasi Villages project  funded by African Palms selling palm crosses
Taking the desks into school

APA funded a project to build a hostel for 20 secondary school girls in the grounds of the convent at Mile Sita. The hostel was completed and opened in 2015 and has been a great success.
The girls are really well cared for and supported by the sisters.

girls standing outside the hostel project funded by African Palms selling palm crosses
Girls standing outside the hostel
dormitory hostel project funded by African Palms selling palm crosses
dinning hall at the hostel project funded by African Palms selling palm crosses
Dinning hall
girls at the hostel project funded by African Palms selling palm crosses

We have provided funds towards 3 projects organised by the Britain Tanzania Society.

Miungo Water project

1) £5300 to complete the Miungo water project in the Mtwara region.

collecting water now
collecting water now
Digging Trench for the pipeline at Miungo water project, funded by African Palms, selling palm crosses
Digging Trench for the pipeline

The project was completed in 2014.
The water project has been a big success! On a recent visit villagers told us how it had changed their lives. The headmaster of the local school told us how it had made a big difference to children’s education because children were now able to attend school instead of having to go and collect water.
In 2015 funds were provided to extend the pipeline to Chipinpinbi.

Local children at water point pipeline at Chipinpinbi project funded by African Palms selling palm crosses
Local children at one of the water points
carrying at water a much shorter distante point pipeline at Chipinpinbi project funded-by  African Palms-selling palm crosses
Carrying the water a much shorter distance!
another at water a much shorter distante point pipeline at Chipinpinbi project funded-by  African Palms-selling palm crosses
Another water point

Matongo Dispensary

2) £7000 towards the Matongo Dispensary project in the Mara Region.

Completed and water supply completed in 2014.

building work Matongo dispensary project in the Mara region, project funded by African Palms selling palm crosses
Building work for a dispensary
Borehole to provide water fo Matongo dispensary project in the Mara region, project funded by African Palms selling palm crosses
Borehole to provide water for dispensary

Completed and water supply completed in 2014.

FGM safehouse in the Mara region

3) £11,000 to complete the fundraising for the FGM safehouse in the Mara region.

FMG safehouse in the Mara region, project funded by African Palms, selling palm crosses
Safehouse near completion October 2014

The safe house was completed in 2014 in time for the cutting season’ and 134 girls were saved. A vocational training centre was given the African Palms name.”

Outside FMG safehouse in the Mara region, project funded by African Palms, selling palm crosses
Outside the safehouse
Inside the vocational training centre FMG safehouse in the Mara region, project funded by African Palms, selling palm crosses
Inside the vocational training centre

We funded a new roof for the sisters' house at Mtandi. In July 2016 we visited the site with Bishop James and found building work well underway.

outside the sisters house Mtandi, visited by John Talbot and Bishop James project funded by African Palms selling palm crosses
outside the sisters' house
New roof at Mtandi sistes house, project funded by African Palms selling palm crosses
new roof

A project which TDT (Tanzanian Development Trust) Pays 40% and a European Charity pays 60%. TDT had run out of money so African Palms paid £3100.00 to continue the project. This is one of the villages where Palm crosses are made.

Funding was provided to try and complete a water pipeline project which had stalled a year earlier. The aim of the project is to provide the 1508 Misechela villagers and other nearby villages with clean and safe water.

Masasi primary school has about 1000 pupils, of these 70 are in the special needs section, many are albinos with sight problems. African Palms funded the construction of a new toilet block, and a further grant of £2216.00 was given for equipment. In July 2016 we visited the school and found the toilet block completed but not yet in use.

the new toilet block at Masasi School
The new toilet block at Masasi School

African Palms

The aim of African Palms is to give people living in a very poor part of Tanzania the possibility of earning some extra money. The people’s daily work is the planting of maize, millet and some ground nuts to feed themselves and their families.
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