Tanzania is an agricultural country, the success of the agricultural sector is dependant on seasonal rainfall. Increasingly drought has hit Tanzania meaning crops have failed time and time again. Also there has been flooding at times of the year when no rain was expected.

Much of this can be put down to climate change. The Rondo Plateau has in the last decade also seen much deforestation due to farming practices and the need for wood.

The Rondo junior seminary aimed to plant 2000,000 tress in 2022.

Funds of £6250 were sent from the UK to help buy over 50,000 Caribbean Pine, Avocado, Teak, Mango, and Cartus Trees, along with training.

Pine trees planted in farm, African Palms Project
Pine trees planted in farm
Pine trees planted in one of our previous projects in 2015, African Palms Project
Pine trees planted in one of our previous projects in 2015, now a forest!

The drought in recent years, has led to many parents being unable to send their Children to school. In Tanzania it is usually the parents who have to buy books and equipment for schoolchildren. The failure of the harvest in recent years has led to them being unable to send their children to school. The project aimed to get children from six of the villages where Palm Crosses are made in a position where they could go to school. £9,900 was sent to buy books and other equipment the children would need.

Tanzania is an agricultural country, the success of the agricultural sector is dependant on seasonal rainfall. Increasingly drought has hit Tanzania meaning crops have failed time and time again. Also there has been flooding at times of the year when no rain was expected. Much of this can be put down to climate change. In the last few years food has again started to become a big issue. The seed project involved the provision of seeds and training of 300 farmers in how to try and improve the situation. The seeds provided include Maize, Sunflower, peas and groundnuts.  Hopefully this will be successful, and in some ways needs to be. 

Training session for farmers in one village, African Palms Project
Training session for farmers in one village

African Palms

The aim of African Palms is to give people living in a very poor part of Tanzania the possibility of earning some extra money. The people’s daily work is the planting of maize, millet and some ground nuts to feed themselves and their families.
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